Women’s Medicine Circle
If you have a longing to find your way forward towards feeling more connected to the earth, yourself and others, this may be the right space for you. In these times it is vital that we find the cosmology and spiritual practises that feel authentic for us and that will help ground us in the face of turbulence and the rapid changes of these times. As we find our own balance and wisdom, we discover an inner peace and safety to stand in our authentic power. Another way of saying this ,is that we find ways to give our unique Medicine to the world.
“Conventionally, medicine is something you take as a substance, perhaps in a pill form or cream or tincture. It’s the treatment or the prevention of disease. In my ways of knowing, Medicine is the vital, healing energy that connects the Spirit, mind, and emotional bodies. It’s something carried by all living things. It is our connection, our roots, and our life force.” - Asha Frost
This doorway is for those women who are looking to re-discover their flow of feminine- masculine wholeness and express it in their own unique Medicine to the world. This journey of recovery explores:
The centuries old hierarchy of a dominant, rational, linear, toxic masculine principle that has created profound disconnection between male and female, earth and human and so much more. This has not served us as humanity well with wounds to all living beings.
How we can reconnect ourselves to nature, the cosmos and others through simple, profound rituals and ceremonies.
Any time a living system goes out of balance in such a way there are chaotic repercussions for all and we are certainly experiencing this in the world right now.
My own ongoing journey to re-member my own wholeness and power has been a thread through the tapestry of my life, and has led me to opening this doorway for women on their journey. Read more about my journey.

Sacred Circles have been a place of powerful gathering since time began and today a Women’s Medicine Circle’ offers that experience over a 6-week period, allowing you to explore, grow and emerge more powerfully as who you were born to be. Within a small ,intimate group of up to 8 women, meeting once a week, we will experience together:
How to open your sacred space
The hidden history of ‘herstory’.
How to come back into natural rhythm with the elements.
Finding your unique Medicine to offer to the world
How to be supported with Crystals, rocks and ceremonies
How to keep your flame alive and vibrant day to day.
The experience also resources you with some notes, teaching clips on each theme and an extensive reading list. You will also have access to the ‘Women’s Circle every other month – a wonderful hour to meet and feel supported by a community of women who are on their own journeys’ of expansion and truth.
What's included:
6 x 2 hour (generally) weekly sessions.
Explanatory notes and resources.
Access to regular one - hour Women’s Circles.
Run several times a year.
Fee for 6 sessions £0 - £175
HM, 2024
"Medicine Circles are powerful as they combine the energy of all participants in equality and safety. Sue, as a masterful couples therapist, has deep knowledge and feeling of dynamics between people. She is also the safest, most empathetic and wise person I know. Whether you're looking for support or expansion - I couldn't recommend a more trustworthy guide."